The name for Wahoo in Hawaii is Ono, which means delicious, you too will find out just how delicious Wahoo are once you deploy my killer spread of Ono lures. This spread is professional grade, you're lure wont get bit off by the razor gang, all the connections will standup to the high speed stres...
Black Bart Embroidered Lure Bag
Recommended Spread Diagram
Handmade Stainless Steel Hooks
600 lb Stainless Steel Cable Leaders 1 ft
(2) Crooked Island Candy
(2) San Sal Candy
(2) 32 oz. Trolling Weights w/cable
(2) 24 oz. Trolling Weights w/cable
(4) 300 lb 20 ft. Shock Leaders
(4) 200 lb Ball Bearing Snap Swivels on shock leaders