The newest dredge bar in the Fish Razr family. The SUPER HEAVY dredge bar is the biggest bar on the market. It's made from .150 U.S high grade 316 stainless steel. It has all the attributes of the generation II heavy bars but with stronger arms. This bar is designed with larger, heavier, more drag dredges in mind. Load this thing up and don't worry, it will hold. The arms are still flexible enough under the water to give your dredge a lifelike feel.
Why our dredge bars are superior. (Scroll Down for Product Categories)
Dredge bars are going to break, the more fish you catch, the more dredge bars you are going to go thru. The worst thing for a dredge bar is pushing the retrieve button on an electric reel. The sudden shot of torque put on the bar and then the breaching out of the water puts a lot of stress on the frame. Doing this multiple times a day eventually wears them down.
We offer a bar for all applications. Our light wire bars are great for light drag applications, StripZ, Mud FlapZ, Fish Sticks, and ballyhoo natural dredges. Our Gen II dredge bars are the right choice for most heavy drag application. These include squid dredges, dredges with lures, natural mullet dredges and multiple tier applications. For the heaviest of dredge applications our new Super Heavy bars are needed.