The range of Pakula Roaches is the short rigger and short corner lure. The action is an aggressive swimming with a wide head shake and great splash when it breathes. It will hug the water at all trolling speeds and will work fine in all weather conditions, including very rough conditions. The Frigate Rat is now the standard lure and teaser in St Thomas and the Bahamas in the colours
The range of Pakula Roaches has earned its place in the pages of game fishing history. They continually appear in tournament wins throughout the game fishing world. Such monumental victories as the 1992 Bisbees Black and Blue where angler, Rowan Henry won $US226,000.00 on a Wasp / Tooro coloured Pakula Rat. The Express coloured Pakula Mouse won Whakatane Tuna Tournament, the largest game fishing tournament in New Zealand and Col Earl caught 16 billfish in one day trolling Cockroaches on his boat “Reef Hunter”.
Pakula Cockroaches combine the best features of both Chuggers and Sprockets, resulting in a very stable lure for rough conditions. After breathing they dive very deep carrying a huge bubble trail, all the while shaking their heads violently. They then leave the bubble trail behind and increase their swimming action back to the surface to start the cycle again. These lures have a very aggressive action below the surface that all game fish find totally irresistible. Their cycle should be worked at least every 5 seconds. The lures in the Roach range will work in any fishable condition at any trolling speed. Their best positions are short corner and short rigger. The Stripy coloured Rat on the short rigger has proven itself as one of the best lures for Striped Marlin. This range of lures is particularly effective in rough seas, even trolling straight into a steep sharp chop, where most fail to perform forcing many frustrated fishermen to head for the dock.
The Cockroach in particular needs a special mention. This little 8.75” lure was the first midget big game fishing lure. It changed the world of Queensland light tackle game fishing by winning some of the most prestigious tournaments such as Trownsville, A.I.B.T., Hamilton three years in a row and trophies such as Champion Female five years straight, as with the Gold Coast January Tournament and is now part of every successful boat’s trolling kit. The success of the Pakula Cockroaches has also encompassed medium and heavy tackle winning tournaments in Fiji, New Zealand, Mexico, Papua New Guinea plus many more.
The true worth of the whole range of Pakula Roaches can only be appreciated by seeing their own characteristic action that is quite unique and experience the success known by so many that have tried them. They just keep on trucking and catching long after the others have given up.
Name | Code | Hooks / Rigs | Min Class | Leader | Head Length | Head Width | Skirt Size - Cut Length | Total Length |
Original Cockroach | PRO20 | Dojo 25 25/25 | 6kg | 150lb | 25mm - 1.00" | 25mm - 1.00" | PS25 -195mm - 7.75" | 220mm - 8.75" |
Original Mouse | PRO30 | Dojo 30 30/30 | 15kg | 200lb | 34mm - 1.30" | 34mm - 1.30" | PS35 - 265mm -10.50" | 299mm - 11.80" |
Original Rat | PRO40 | Dojo 40 or 45 40/40 45/40 | 24kg | 400lb | 38mm - 1.50" | 43mm - 1.70" | PS40 - 324mm - 12.75" | 362mm - 14.25" |