Betts Cast Nets

Betts Cast Nets for Sale


• All leadlines are braided with hard center core. Will not kink

• Double selvage on horn and leadline for triple strength

• Aeronautically designed for fast sinking and low wind resistance

• All knots double tied and glued with epoxy

• Special TR3 light weight abrasive resistant netting for quick sinking and long wear.

• New Betts assembly technique using treated bonded thread. Triple knots keep the lead in place and holds netting to leadline (no sagging)

• All nets are balanced with correct weight for super fast sinking and full spread

• Complete instructions included with each net.

Betts nets are 20-25% larger at the same or better price. 


Tyzac™ A quality introductory net.

Hi Tider™ A very workable net at a great price.

Old Salt™ A workhorse-most asked for net.

Betts® Blue™ Very high quality net-blue net.

Mullet Net Built like a tank.

Professional Series More features.

Betts® Sea Green™ A work of art.

Super Pro™ Handmade guide quality at 1/2 price.

Betts® Buddy™ A whole new market.

No Spook™ Most innovative net ever designed.